

05月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学子宴答谢词]1. 尊敬的亲友及同学 : 大家好!大家能在百忙之中参加我的学子宴,我感到十分荣幸,在此代表我全家表示感谢. 金榜题名的这一天,我付出了很多的心血,其间的艰辛让我铭记在心。 但更让...+阅读


The best of both worldsOh yeahCome onYou get the limo out frontHottest styles every shoe every colorYeah when you're famous it can be kinda funIt's really you but no one ever discoversIn some ways you're just like all your friendsBut on stage you're a starYou get the best of both worldsChill it out take it slowThen you rock out the showYou get the best of both worldsMix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worldsThe best of both worldsYou go to movie premiers (is that orlando bloom )Hear your songs on the radioLivin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)But school's cool cuz nobody knowsYeah you get to be a small town girlBut big time when you play your guitarYou get the best of both worldsChillin' out take it slowThen you rock out the showYou get the best of both worldsMix it all together and you know that it's the best of both(you know the best) you know the best of both worldsPictures and autographsYou get your face in all the magazinesThe best parts that you get to be who ever you wanna beYeah the best of bothYou get the best of bothCome on best of bothWho would of thought that a girl like meWould double as a superstarYou get the best of both worldsChillin' out take it slowThen you rock out the showYou get the best of both worldsMix it all together and you know that it's the bestYou get the best of both worldsWithout the shades and the hairYou can go anywhereYou get the best of both girlsMix it all togetherOh yeahIt's so much better cuz you know you've got the best of both worlds


毕业 - mc hotdog - 犬 歌曲名称:毕业 词曲:曲: johnny wu do词: mc hotdog 每天一来到学校就好想睡觉 一堆奇怪的理论老师教的我不知道 记得以前我常常梦见自己在考试 醒来的时候我果然在考试 老师在黑板写着必考的公式 我望着窗边一个个经过的马子 极品赞!!我竖起大拇指 幻想马子马子请你给我一点面子 下课铃声响起我急忙冲出去 我要找到极品马子的集散地 不管走到哪里都是粉红色的hello kitty 真是扫兴热情都被浇熄 晚上回到宿舍室友又在"起秋" 狗男女在房间一定又在干什么 已经习惯真想3p一起玩 但是我也只能在房间手排自排 看电视一晃眼就是午夜三点半 东京情色派忧目瞳是我的最爱 躺在床上想起电视0204的女孩 明天早上一定又起不来 怎么每个男生都想交女朋友 每个女生讨论哪里打折要去抢购 奖学金像是一场遥不可及的梦想 醒来的时候小抄还是要做 明天期末考今晚舞照跳 就算被当掉没什么大不了 明天期末考今晚马照泡 就算被当掉没什么大不了 忘不了在学校发生的一切 马上就要毕业进入现实的社会 四年的时间彷佛一转眼 不会忘记所有亲爱的同学 一踏进教室打招呼都来不及 怎么同学才刚见面就要开始比 不管是衣服发型手表还是手机 到底是在上学还是再上那超级比一比 prada gucci dkny买不起 我也只能戴个帽子身穿着二手衣 脱掉帽子看到自己糟透的发型 只有脚上的爱迪达还算可以 还记得当初青涩的模样 现在已经是父母眼中的大烂帐 有天夜里睡不着我看着镜子里的自己 我问我自己这算不算是成长 太多的回忆在学校发生 数也数不完就像妈妈脸上的皱纹 真想再来一次如果有这个可能 但我知道这将是我最后的青春 一只青春小鸟从我头上飞过 漫步在校园我感觉无比轻松 心想以后可能再也不会有这种日子过 舍不得学校生活 和你拥抱的时候我湿了只眼 可不可以不要拿走我桌上的这个青春酒杯 又甜又美有点苦涩的气味 乎干啦和回忆干杯 人生如戏我要演的甘愿 戏如人生天下无不散的筵席 到底谁是请客的主人 谁都曾经有过漂亮的青春纹身 只是有一天终究它会变成皱纹 每个人的人生际遇都不相同 谁不想有很多成就 今宵多珍重以后一路顺风 真心祝福你我的朋友 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉 敬你这一杯同学们催落 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉 敬你这一杯同学们催落 忘不了在学校发生的一切 马上就要进入现实的社会 四年的时间彷佛一转眼 不会忘记所有亲爱的同学 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉 敬你这一杯 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉 敬你这一杯 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉 敬你这一杯 明天要毕业今晚要喝醉


Wonderful Life - Katie Melua

Here I go out to sea again

The sunshine fills my hair

And dreams hang in the air

Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes

You know it feels unfair

There's magic everywhere

Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh or cry

It's a wonderful wonderful life

The sun's in your eyes

The heat is in your hair

They seem to hate you

Because you're there

And I need a friend

Oh I need a friend

To make me happy

Not stand here on my own

Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh or cry

It's a wonderful wonderful life

I need a friend

Oh I need a friend

To make me happy

Not so alone

Look at me here

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh or cry

It's a wonderful wonderful life

It's a wonderful life

It's a wonderful life

It's a wonderful life



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