

07月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[退出用英语怎么说前进后退用英语怎么说啊]前进 [qián jìn] 1。 to advance 2。 onward 3。 to go forward 4。 to forge ahead 相关解释: advancing, go ahead (and do), move forward, make way, progression, adv...+阅读


接待客人,用英语为receive guests


在家接待客人 meeting the guests in home

热情地接待客人 receive the guests

接待客人的人 host


1. 然而,时至今日,女性依然觉得家中是否清洁关乎自己的形象,有一半的女性说当家中脏乱而不能接待客人时,她们会觉得难为情。

And women feel that, even in this day and age, the cleanliness of their home reflects on them with half saying they get embarrassed when it isn't clean and refuse to accept visitors.

2. 在她公寓的休息室里,毛绒玩具、维多利亚式的版画和圣像堆到了屋顶,她在这里接待客人。

In the lounge of her flat, piled to the ceiling with stuffed animals, tailor's dummies, Victorianetchings and plaster saints, she would receive visitors.

3. 按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。

According to etiquette, you should stand up to meet a guest.

4. 第三,西方人接待客人“吃饭”很简单,不像中国人接待客人那样带有意图。

Third, it is only simple “Have a meal!” that Occidental entertain guests. It is not purpose that Chinese entertain guests, but it is the means.

5. 你刚刚打扫完起居室,将要接待客人,而此时你的孩子进来开始倾倒一桶桶的玩具。

You just got the living room cleaned and you're about to have company.

6. 你要负责接电话、写下留言和接待客人。

M:You'd be responsible for answering the phones, taking messages and greeting guests.

7. 按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。

You should stand up greeting the guests with propriety.

8. 但茶艺的动机对于每一种文化来说都是共通的:设想无论那一个国家,一位能干的主人接待客人,他的举止如此的从容流畅,令客人沉浸在一个安详幸福的情绪之中。

But the motivation for this art is common to every culture: imagine a talented host from anycountry whose manner is so easy that guests are wrapped in a mood of quiet happiness.

9. 这所房子里客人极少,所以我愿意承认,我和我的狗都不大知道该怎么接待客人。

Guests are so exceedingly rare in this house that I and my dogs, I am willing to own, hardly knowhow to receive them.

10. 然后,名牌产品就变成了奢侈品或者是接待客人用品。

The name brand then becomes a luxury item and treat.


首先可以问客人 what can i do for you?我可以帮你吗?

或者 can i help you?也是"我可以帮你吗?"的意思.



付帐,你可以问, what do you want to pay? credit card or cash?就是说你想用什么付帐?信用卡还是现金.

最后送客人很简单, thank you. have a good day! 谢谢,希望今天过的愉快.




1. "Good moring/afternoon/evening, ....restaurant. Can I help you?"

2. "Can I have your full name please?"

3. "Can I have your contact information please?"

4. "When will you be possiblely arriving, sir?"

5. "The food/dishes here feature......(我们餐厅是以......为特色的)"

6. "Looking forward to your coming, sir or madam"


1。"Hello, welcome! "

2. "Can I ask if you have a reservation?"

3. "Which table do you prefer, sir?"

4. "Enjoy your stay here, sir."


1, welcome to, look around. We store has make up and nail salon workers and a lot of colour makeup and skin care products

2, the skin is dry, need more water someone, you can buy some filling surface film.

The third, the eye of a moist very suitable for you to use.

4, this brand of toner and emulsion is my home star products sell very well.

5, the price is very low, can't cheap.

6, you buy so many can give you a discount.

7, rings, and earrings like? Like can try to take it over.

8, this kind of special offer great deals.

9, our house of quality guarantee cosmetics, please trust to purchase.



做前台应怎么样用话语来接待客人1.微笑是世界的共通语言 笑是世界的共通语言,就算语言不通,一个微笑就能带给彼此一种会心的感觉。所以,笑是接待人员最好的语言工具,在有些情况下甚至不需要一言一行,只要一个笑...

前台文员怎么去接待客人1.微笑是世界的共通语言 笑是世界的共通语言,就算语言不通,一个微笑就能带给彼此一种会心的感觉。所以,笑是接待人员最好的语言工具,在有些情况下甚至不需要一言一行,只要一个笑...

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