[用密密层层怎么造句 50条用密密层层造句]1、田野里的庄稼长得密密层层的,今年一定会有好收成。 2、人们密密层层地坐在广场上,观看“心连心”艺术团的演出。 3、夏天树木长得郁郁葱葱密密层层的,枝叶好像雨伞一样。 4...+阅读
1、We all make promises in our daily interactions with others.在我们日常交往中,都会对别人做出承诺。
2、Don't make promises you have no intention of keeping and NEVER hide information on your smartphone you don't want a girl to see –because she'll find it every time!丁伯莱克告诉他:“首先别让自己感觉‘绑手绑脚’的,永远别做出你不愿信守的承诺,千万不要在手机上存一些不能让女孩子看到的信息,因为女孩子总有办法将它挖出来的。”
3、Don't put on airs or make promises you can't keep when going after a job.职中不要摆架子、做出无法实现的承诺。
4、Now since undertaking an obligation or commitment is like making a promise the position of a memory of the will under rides what he calls the right to make promises.如今履行义务或保证就,是作出承诺,意志记忆的位置,控制于他所谓的承诺之权。扩展资料:make promise:作出承诺短语to make empty promises 空口说白话make empty promises 光有满嘴空谈Make Profuse Promises 满口应承Only Make Empty Promises 徒托空言Don't make me promises baby 不要让我对你承诺Don't me make me promises 别做任何承诺make promises lightly 轻易下承诺If You Make Promises 如果你许下诺言Don T Make Promises 不要做承诺...
refrain from造句
1. refrain from doing... 克制住了,没有做......2. Please refrain from smoking. 请勿吸烟。3. refrain from any rash action 避免轻率行动4. can't refrain from falling tears 不禁下泪5. Refrain from arguing with your mate. 避免和伴侣争吵。6. To refrain from disturbing or interfering. 不打扰防止打搅或干扰7. Refrain from using such coarse language. 别使用这样的粗俗的语言。8. Please refrain from feeding the monkeys. 请勿给猴子喂物。9. I could not refrain from laughter. 我忍俊不禁。10. refrain from do something(especially voting) 克制做某事,尤指不投票 11. refrain from do something(especially voting) 克制做某事,尤指不投票12. Can you refrain from laughter, my friends? 各位不要大笑, 好吗?13. Please refrain from spitting on the sidewalk. 请不要在人行道上吐痰。14. control and refrain from showing; of emotions. 控制忍住不显露;用于指感情。
15. She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears. 她不禁破涕为笑。16. Please refrain from talking in the elevator. 请克制自己不要在电梯里说话。17. Would you please refrain from smoking here? 请您不要在这里吸烟好吗?18. To refrain from giving, granting, or permitting. 制止不给,不赋于,不允许19. retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments. 扣下支付金额的一部分;用于支付方面。20. Please refrain from smoking during the performance. 演出时请勿吸烟。21. To refrain from do something( especially voting) 尤指不投票22. be inactive, refrain from acting on something. 不活动、停止做某事。23. curb blindness in action; refrain from blindfold action 克服盲目性24. Jim finds it difficult to refrain from smoking. 吉姆发现难以戒烟。25. You must refrain from smoking in this area. 在这个区域,你必须克制自己不抽烟。
26. Please refrain from using your mobile phone here. 请不要在这里使用手机。27. You should refrain from bad habits like this. 这样的坏习惯应予戒除.28. You must refrain from spitting in the street . 你千万不要在街上随地吐痰。29. Refrain from making promises or moving too fast. 克制住自己,不要做出承诺或者行动过快。30. cannot help bursting into tears; cannot refrain from tears 忍不住哭31. I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me. (我将使律师避免打扰我)我说话时律师请不要打断。32. refrain from showing one's ability; be able but modest 不露锋芒33. How shall I refrain from tears when we part? 我们分手时, 我怎么能抑制住眼泪?34. I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears. 我狠着心把泪止住。35. In order to lose weight, she refrain from eating candy. 为了减肥,她避免吃糖果。
36. refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment, etc. 不为已甚37. try to stop but cannot; cannot refrain from carrying on 欲罢不能38. Please refrain from smoking until you are inside the air terminal. 在到达终点站以前请不要抽烟。39. A formal order from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court to refrain from a specified offense. 诫谕为禁止一个具体的罪行而由主教或宗教法庭发出的正式命令40. each party shall refrain from staging military exercises directing against the other; 不进行针对对方的军事演习;41. My physician advised me to refrain from alcohol for the time being. 我的医生建议我目前不要饮酒。42. Please refrain from smoking until the"No Smoking"sign is switched off. 请勿吸烟,直到"禁止吸烟"的信号灯消失为止。43. The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing, being tranquil and detached. 四诫偷盗莫贪小,知足守份没烦恼。
44. You need to refrain from being the generous one in the group. 天秤座:你需要克制住自己不要成为集体里大方的人。45. I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet. 我希望他不要将烟灰往地毯上乱弹。46. It would not have been right for us to refrain from striking back. 当时不反击这种思潮是不行的。47. I decided to bite my lip and refrain from telling her what I thought of her. 我决定咬紧嘴唇,不告诉她我对她的看法。48. I will refrain myself from expressing my idea. 我将不发表自己的意见。49. Refrain your tongue from backbiting. 不要在背后中伤人家。50. You should refrain your tongue from backbiting. 你不要背后诽谤人。
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