[和谐的师生关系]和谐,是古往今来人类孜孜以求的美好理想和愿望。而调动一切积极因素构建和谐文明的校园环境也将是一个永恒的主题。 校园是我们学生每天停留时间最多的地方,我们在这里像海绵...+阅读
May is interested in her English teacher, Arsehole. Arsehole is very handsome and mascular. May will not miss any English lesson by Arsehole. She is in secret love with him and always imagine that she is living together with him in a nice house. May is having dream that is full of lust and desires.
It is lucky that May affection for Arsehole is only one-sided. The positive aspect of her secret love propels her to attend attentively in the English lessons by Arsehole. May tops her school in English subject
Relationships between teachers and students
Good relationships between teachers and students are essential to learning as well as teaching. Only with good relationships can students and teachers cooperate well, that is, ...
One possible version:
Relationships between teachers and students
Good relationships between teachers and students are essential to learning as well as teaching. Only with good relationships can students and teachers cooperate well, that is, teachers can achieve the desired effect, and students can do well in their studies.
This ideal relationship depends on the mutual effort. On the one hand, students should respect their teachers and their efforts and devotion. They should be polite to the teachers and ready to follow their practical advice. On the other hand, teachers should not only be kind, friendly and patient to the students but also treat every student fairly. They must be responsible for their teaching and ready to help the students in trouble.
If both sides treat each other in a friendly way, misunderstandings will be easily cleared up and teaching and learning in class will be highly efficient.
The Teacher-Student Relationship
The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad , helpful or harmful . But I think it's good for students to learn more knowledge if the relationship between teachers and students is good. For example , in my high school , I love my English teacher very much , my classmates love her as well . She is a kind woman and never give us a lot of homework . But she can let us learn by ourselves . We like English very much , and our achievement is good .
In order to have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that teachers and students often talk about study , life and so on . Get to know each other what they need. My high school teacher often talks his life with us and asks us for new ideas . So we get along very well with him. After class, we are friends .
In conclusion, I think the relationship between teachers and students is well, the most important is they should exchange their opinions often . And look after each other. Everyone needs to be cared about. Although teachers are often order than students, teachers need to be cared about, also. In this way, the relationship between teacher and students will be better and bette
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