[精灵世纪片尾曲的歌名叫什么]精灵世纪片尾曲的歌名叫《霞光》 歌曲:霞光 演唱:曲锦楠 作曲:陈欣若 作词:高博 编曲:陈欣若 闫志强 专辑:单曲 发布时间:2006年 月光把天空照亮 洒下一片光芒点缀海洋 每当流星从...+阅读
你好!能飞英语(langfly.com)为你解答~“林泽楷”的英文名字“Lin Zekai”
一、直接以汉语拼音表达,如"李小莉"-->"Li Xiaoli"。
2、姓和名作为两个组合分开书写,名的部分不要再分开,如上例"李小莉"不宜写成"Li Xiao Li",也不宜写成"Li XiaoLi"。
【两个字】如:张三,Zhang San
【三个字】单姓,如:李小言,Li Xiaoyan
复姓,如:诸葛亮,Zhuge Liang
【四个字】单姓,如:李雨中生,Li Yuzhongsheng
复姓,如:司马相如,Sima Xiangru
(二)起一个英文名,再与汉语拼音的姓组合,这在文化层次较高的年青人中间比较流行,比如像"Peter Zhang"、"David Wang"、"Mary Zhao"等等。
按照这一原则,起一个易读易记的英文名,再加上汉语拼音的姓氏,不失为将自己融入到国际社会的一个有力工具。这一做法在我国正逐渐流行开来。如搜狐总裁张朝阳的英文名:Charles Zhang;另一个IT业界名人吴士宏:Juliet Wu。
King of the Europe
1、读音:英 [kɪŋ ɒv ðə ˈjʊərəp] 美 [kɪŋ əv ðə ˈjʊərəp]
4、例句:King Arthur is one of the most popular and worshiped monarch in Europe.亚瑟王是欧洲最受人们喜爱和推崇的君主之一。
对应词:Queen of the Europe
1、读音:英 [kwiːn ɒv ðə ˈjʊərəp] 美 [kwiːn əv ðə ˈjʊərəp]
4、例句:Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。
Du Fu
born 712, Xiangyang, China
died 770, Hunan
Chinese poet, often considered the greatest of all time.
After a traditional Confucian education, he failed the important civil service examinations and consequently spent much of his life wandering, repeatedly attempting to gain court positions, with mixed success. His early poetry, which celebrates the natural world and bemoans the passage of time, garnered him renown. He suffered periods of extreme personal hardship, and as he matured his verse began to express profound compassion for humanity. An expert in all the poetic genres of his day, he is renowned for his superb classicism and skill in prosody, though many of the subtleties of his art do not survive translation.
Lenka (born Lenka Kripac) is an Australian singer and songwriter, known for her song "The Show" from her album Lenka, which was in advertisements, including for Old Navy. Previously known in Australia as an actress, she has appeared in Australian television serials and feature films.
Early life
The daughter of a jazz musician father who had immigrated to Australia from then-Czechoslovakia and an Australian schoolteacher mother, Lenka was born and raised in "the bush", until age seven when her family moved to Sydney, where she received her schooling and music training, and started work as a musician.
As a teenager Lenka studied acting at the Australian Theatre For Young People, where she trained with actress Cate Blanchett at the school.Lenka starred in the Australian ABC-TV drama series GP as Vesna Kapek in the 1990s. She also hosted Cheez TV and has guest starred in other Australian TV series including as Home And Away, Wild Side, Head Start, and Spellbinder. She appeared in Australian feature films The Dish and Lost Things, as well as in theatre productions.
Solo career
After adopting her first name as her sole artistic name ("Lenka" is a common Slavic girl's name, and a common diminutive of the Slavic girl's name "Elena"), Lenka released her eponymous debut album on 24 September 2008, with "The Show" chosen to be the first single release from the set. The album peaked at number 142 on the US Billboard 200.
Lenka creates paper art type of stop-motion animated music videos for each of her singles with James Gulliver Hancock, a visual artist from Australia.The childlike appearance to all her music videos is done on purpose by the duo. Her vocal stylings are a juxtaposition of pop and layered, complicated influences.
She provided vocals on two tracks ("Addicted" and "Sunrise") on German artist Schiller's album Atemlos, released in Germany on 12 March 2010.
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