
速求英语短文 Holiday Economy不懂英语的勿扰

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com



With the fantastic spur both in industry and its economy in china,people'life become more and more leisure,they are provided with double-day to have a rest,so a new phenomenon has come up-the holiday economy.

There are several advanages we can benifit from the holiday economy.To begin with,the holiday economy can prompt the consumption,during the tour,tourists spend money on playing,living,eating and shopping,all these are the impetus to the development of society.In addition,it also brings profit to the transportion.

On the contrary,the holiday economy also bring about its disadvantage.A case in point is it birngs pollution to the retorts,for another,it also lay a heavy burder on the traffic system,therefor we cann't neglect these problems.

To sum up,I do believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.After all,growth of the economy is the diminant thing.Finally,I suggest the government take effective measures to solve the problems which result from the holiday economy.


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