

02月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[离不开鸡蛋的婚礼习俗]在湘楚大地的农村,有的至今仍保留着一种古老而有趣的风俗,即整个婚事都离不开鸡蛋,真可谓是无蛋不成婚。九象网: .9xwang. 在湘东地区的一些山村,男方托媒人去女方提亲,媒人第一...+阅读

Greece as the birthplace of ancient civilizations in Europe, is a country full of fairy tale. Greek wedding customs are also very interesting, there is a section of the evolution of twists and turns. Today, with the Greeks in the prevalence of religious color, full of charm and reflect the secular characteristics of the wedding place impressive. Only once at the church once the wedding has a very long period of time, the only wedding held at the church was recognized as legally married in Greece. Since the Kingdom of Greece was established in 1832, the Orthodox Church has always been regarded as the state religion of Greece, the Greek church is more than 100 years for men and women a place to hold the wedding can not be changed. National also announced that a legal form, and only wedding at the church in order to obtain legal recognition. However, since the 70s last century, the Orthodox Church in Greece, the impact of declining to require secular voices rising wedding, the Greek government in July 18, 1982 published a decree, announced that the way to secular and religious ways Marry Marry have equal legal status, thus ending 150 years of Greek religion the way that only legitimate marriage to be traditional practices. Legal recognition of 16-year-old bride in Greece even though the legal age for marriage is 18 years old, but in some circumstances, if parental consent, but also non-mandatory marriage, young people under 18 years of age can still get married. Therefore, marriage in the Greek National Statistics data, there is also a very small part of the age of the bride.


中国传统婚礼习俗1.食汤圆:新郎在结婚出发前,要与父母兄弟及闺中女友一起吃汤圆, 表示离别,母亲喂女儿汤圆,新娘哭。九象网: .9xwang. 2.讨 喜:新郎与女方家人见面后,应持捧花给房中待嫁这新娘,此时,新娘...

婚礼上的习俗小小的婚礼上的变化,就看到了我们身边生活的变化。 过去在小兴安岭脚下诺敏河畔我的故乡一带的山区,婚礼上却盛行着一种习俗:哭嫁。 哭嫁,就是当姑娘嫁人时要在婚礼上向自己的父...

走进埃及婚礼习俗埃及的传统婚礼习俗独特别致,民间迄今流传着这样一种做法:婚前男女双方不得见面,婚礼仪式上目睹对方的容颜。 男女青年达到婚配年龄,经过媒人穿针引线,男方的母亲或者姐妹便去相...

谁能推荐一下在婚礼上父母经典的答谢词!各位来宾: 大家中午好!今天是我儿子x与xx喜结良缘的大喜日子,承蒙各位来宾远道而来参加我儿子的婚礼,在此我代表我全家向大家表示最热烈地欢迎和衷心地感谢! 此时此刻,我的心情无...

谁能推荐一下在婚礼上父母经典的答谢词各位来宾: 大家中午好!今天是我儿子x与xx喜结良缘的大喜日子,承蒙各位来宾远道而来参加我儿子的婚礼,在此我代表我全家向大家表示最热烈地欢迎和衷心地感谢! 此时此刻,我的心情无...


我想知道一下中国婚礼习俗从女方第一次登男方门开始越详细越好你全部过程有三大阶段:攀亲、订亲、娶亲。 一、 攀亲。 男方请亲友中某人为自家己成年男子“说亲”,该“说亲”人被称为“媒人”。男性媒人称“周公”,女性媒人称“媒婆”。 媒人...

北方婚礼的习俗北京人结婚习俗,向分满汉。 汉族办喜事的礼仪,又有新旧之分。 新式的用彩车乐队,行鞠躬礼;旧式的用花轿鼓乐执事,行跪拜礼。此其大略也。 一、 放定:放定是订婚的一种仪式,也叫下定...

