

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求大神翻译航次租船合同这作业真心看不懂求翻译谢啦]本着互惠互利的原则,以下双方经过友好协商,于2002年1月3日达成如下协议: 1.船舶规范: 船名:RICH SPRING;载重吨/载货吨:4030/3750吨;2005年建造;基里巴斯船籍;吃水5.9米;船长87.45米;船...+阅读

Hiring agreement


B :

In order to develop trade in the Middle East market through the UAE, the Middle East the opportunity to various fairs , so China best quality of goods , the latest product to enter the UAE , Middle East , Party Chair requested Party B salespeople employed for a period of two years. By mutual agreement , jointly reached the following agreement , mutually respected.

A Party Liability:

1 Party Party sent the UAE and various trade fairs in the Middle East to participate in the country , is responsible for providing legal business procedures , contact the relevant matters to attend the show .

2 Party A to Party B is responsible for providing two companies work visa.

3 Party B to pay the basic wage base salary, monthly 800 dirhams.

4 Party B is responsible for the provision of goods used to attend the show , when B delivery, 50% of the purchase price must be paid to the party , after the end of the show , all the money will be paid to the Party Party , every fairs profits and losses , and B The two sides in accordance with the 50% allocation and commitment. After the show the rest of the goods are not damaged, refund Party B , Party A shall pay to Party B returns .

Second, the Party Liability:

1 B After each show , to pay 50 % of their profits Party .

2 B in the business , we must comply with the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries local regulations and laws.

3 B out to attend the show , the Party is not responsible for their accommodation costs , both B themselves.

4 B to ensure that each year in the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries must participate in six or more show.

Third, these provisions take effect from the signing .

Party Signature: B Signature:


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