

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[电脑采购合同合同范本]甲方: 乙方: 今甲方向乙方采购一批电脑,为友好合作,特定如下合同。 一、采购产品名称、价格和要求。 1、甲方向乙方定购的电脑配置,(详见附件一;电脑设备配置单)共计 台,单价为: 元...+阅读


1. The seller to provide documentation as follows: bills of lading, boxes, invoices, certificates of origin, plant inspection and quarantine to prove 2, Buy side should ensure that available to the sales side of the company name, address, telephone number and other information completely and accurately, otherwise, the resulting adverse consequences entirely responsible for purchase.仅供参考 其实你大可不必来发贴询问,给你一个网址就是专门免费翻译的。...


7. APPROVAL OF VENDOR'S DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS 卖方文件与图纸的批准 As required in the Requisition and its related documents referred to in this contract, the Vendor shall submit certain documents and drawings with the required number of copies set forth in “Vendor Data Requirements” to the Purchaser prior to the commencement of the manufacture of the Goods. 根据本合同里所阐述的‘请购单’及其相关文件的要求,卖方开始制作‘货物’之前,必须向买方呈交“卖方数据的要求”中所提出的若干文件与图纸及指定的副本数量。 Those documents and drawings to be approved by the Purchaser shall be submitted with a mark “For Approval” and such approval shall be indicated by the Purchaser by stamping the word “Approved” thereon and returning such documents and drawings to the Vendor, if no alteration in design is required. 这些需要买方批准认可的文件与图纸应注明“待批准”,如果设计无修改要求,买方将在文件与图纸上面盖上“批准”字眼,然后归还卖方。

If any contradiction between the Requisition and the Vendor's documents and/or drawings is observed, the Purchaser will mark and comment on the contradiction in such documents and/or drawings and return them to the Vendor after stamping the word “Approved as marked”. 如果卖方的文件和/或图纸被发现与‘请购单’不一致,买方将在上面标明并针对有抵触的部分作评注,盖上“按标明批准”字眼后归还卖方。In such case, the Vendor shall revise the contradicting parts and shall resubmit the revised documents and drawings for the Purchaser's approval again. 在此情况下,卖方应修改文件与图纸的抵触部分,然后重新呈交买方批准。Due regard shall also given to any special requirements contained in “Vendor Data Requirements” attached to the Requisition. The Purchaser's review time will be normally fourteen (14) calendar days from the Purchaser's receipt of the documents and drawings from the Vendor and the Purchaser shall not unreasonably withhold approval of such documents and drawings. Notwithstanding the Purchaser's approval of any of the documents and drawings, the Vendor shall be responsible for the design, fabrication and performance of the Goods so as to meet the Requisition, and no such approval shall relieve the Vendor of any of its guarantee and responsibilities given in connection with this Contract. 附于‘请购单’的“卖方数据的要求”中的任何特别要求,卖方应给予适当的关注。

买方对文件与图纸的检查时间通常是接收后的14天;买方不可无理由拒绝给予批准。尽管买方批准卖方的文件与图纸,但这不意味卖方在本合同的任何保证与责任已被消除;卖方应负责确保‘货物’的设计、制造及性能完全符合‘请购单’的要求。Out of the Contract price, payment of five percent (5%) of amount shall be withheld until the Purchaser's receipt of the final data book from the Vendor.买方将会保留合同总价款的5%直至收到卖方的最终数据本。【英语牛人团】


采购: 1. purchase 2. make purchases for an organization or enterprise 3. procurement 4. procure 5. stock Examples: 1. 此外,本公司愿意以收取佣金为条件充当贵公司的在美国的采购代理。 If need were, we also in a position to act as your United State purchasing agent on a commission basis. 2. 我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。 Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before. 3. 收成可能低于平均水平,请以同样价格再采购一些。 Crop likely below average will suggest renew purchase contract same price 4. 她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具. She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series. Early shopper 采购过早 Government procurement 政府采购 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Contract for purchase 采购合同 automated acquisition system 文献采购自动化系统 Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员 I've some shopping to do. 我要采购一些东西。

Supermarkets buy merchandise in the gross. 超级市场成批地采购货物。 We do our shopping on Saturdays. 我们星期六去采购东西。 We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我们通常利用周末采购物品。


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