[让你在社交职场令人刮目相的28条忠告]让你在社交职场上人人对你刮目相的28条忠告 1、长相不令人讨厌,如果长得不好,就让自己有才气;如果才气也没有,那就总是微笑。 2、气质是关键。如果时尚学不好,宁愿纯朴。 3、与...+阅读
1. Find a good (older) husband. Burns met her husband, Lloyd Bean, while working at Xerox. A scientist and researcher, he was also 20 years her senior. He had already gone through this growing up stuff, she says. The age difference proved advantageous when Burnss job later required her to trel frequently and lee their two young children at home. Her husband retired, allowing Burns to focus on advancing her career. So the secret, she jokes, is to marry someone 20 years older.
2. Redefine work-life balance. Its a fools journey to try to achieve perfect balance between ones professional and personal lives, Burns says. Instead, she suggests women get fortable with the idea of taking your entire life to find balance. You should he balance, on erage, over time not in a day or in a month.
3. Be selfish sometimes. Burns advises checking out occasionally to put personal needs ahead of career and family. Think about your health, physically and mentally, she says. A failure to do so, she warns, can put everything else at risk.
4. Dont take guilt trips. Mothers often feel pressure to be present for their children all the time, but such expectations are neither realistic nor necessary, Burns says. Kids are pretty resilient, she says. You dont he to be at every volleyball game. We cant guilt ourselves. Her own mother missed many of her extracurricular activities, she adds, and Im fine.
5. Dont take life too seriously. Niy percent of this stuff is just not that serious, she says. We get crazy about it. Burns says she often thinks back to her mothers advice to stay grounded. Continually go back to the basic stuff, she says. Be prudent. Enjoy it.
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