

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com


In addition to telephones, fax and emails, new research shows instant messaging is a great way to manage workplace munications and streamline processes to getting your most important assignments done。


However, as with all munication mediums, there are a couple of rules everyone should follow to be seen as a courteous coworker. By developing good habits with your IM, you can help bring new consideration to using this wonderful tool in the workplace。


Using IM for Business


1.Seek Permission to Enter. Just as you would over the telephone, always ask whether it is a good time to IM with the user on the receiving end. Try, Michael, do you he a moment? I would like to ask a question about last months finance report。 Not only are you asking for ailability, you also drop the subject of the query. If they are busy, ask them when a good time to follow-up would be。


2.Mind Availability Settings. An extension of number one is to consider any busy or other ailability settings before sending an IM to a contact. Even if you can see your coworker is clearly not in a meeting, now may not be the best time. In return, always set your ailability settings when necessary。


3.Keep it Brief. The boss says you he his attentionnow what? Whatever you do, practice brevity. It is called instant messagingso get to it! Ask your questions and get on with business。


4.Keep it in Proper English. When sending instant messages regarding work, keep slang and IM acronyms at bay and use proper English instead. Not only is it more professional, it helps oid the distraction of a What is IMO? conversation with a less-than--svy IM user. Dont fet the punctuation, either。


5.Avoid Long Conversations. If your IM session begins to drag into overtime, suggest a face-to-face meeting so you can maintain an efficient work environment。


IM at Work Best Practices


6.Follow Office Policies. Most IT departments are leery of allowing associates free reign to download software to their puters. Find out your pany policies and follow them. Use web-based and portable IMs when you cannot download them to your puter。


7.Get an SN for Work. While your buddies might think your IM moniker is cute or funny, your work contacts might be offended or form a less-than-stellar image of you after seeing your screenname. Consider getting a work-only screenname. You can always give it out to friends and family later or use multiple screennames at once with a multi-protocol IM。


8.Business-Friendly IMs. Remember, your munications to other associates, your boss or outside clients and vendors should always boast professionalism, even when instant messaging。


Therefore, put away the political IM icons, the bright orange text and the pop culture wallpapers in lieu of Arial or Times New Roman (10 to 12 pt. font). You can always use a little splash of color for wallpaper, but nothing work inappropriate. Consider sprucing up your IM with a business-svy profile, plete with pany logo and contact information. Maybe even a mug of your pretty face for your IM icon? Now youre set for business。

因此,不要将政治图片作为IM的图标,也不要使用亮黄色,流行的Arial 或Times New Roman字体。你永远都可以使用一点鲜明的背景图片,但是这些并不会起到合适的效果。可以将你的IM资料专业化,将公司的图标以及联系方式都补充上去。或许你也可以将你漂亮的杯子当作IM图标。好了,现在你的一切设置都职场化了。


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