[写信的格式怎么写]信封格式常见的有横式和竖式两种,而以横式为主。横式行序由上至下,字序由左至右;竖 式行序由右到左,字序由上而下。旧式信封一般都有竖式,中间还印有长方形的框叫签条, 签条内是用...+阅读
When I grow up, I want to be a singer, an actor, and an expert at
playing the piano. I would like to be a singer because I like to sing, and I
can sing really good. I would like to become a really famous singer because
if I become really famous, a lot of people would know who I am. I could
dance really well too, so that's another addition to why I want to be a
singer. I would like to become an actor, because I can act really well. I
have been in a lot of plays and skits.
The reason why I want to become an expert on the piano is when I was
younger, I wanted to play the piano and now I take lessons. Those are myh
dreams. I want to accomplish them all.
by Taurean
My dream is to be a sinter, fshion designer, and actress. I know it
sound impossible, but it is possible. J. Lo/Jennifer Lopez does all that.
She has two albums: On the Six and J.Lo. She ws acting as Selena in the
movie about the life of th singer who died in 1995 of a gunshot wound. I am
pretty good at singing and even better at drawing. I was also chosen to be
the drama class. Jennifer Lopez is married and starting a family. I wish to
have as good a life as she has.
I will achieve my dream by going to Fashion School, and take voice
lessons. My father is an artist, so he can give me some pointers. I always
act at home, so that should be a snap. This is dream.
Elizabeth Marie Mac
英语的写信格式英文书信的格式 英文书信是一种最常用的应用文体,对于普通的私人信件通常由五部分组成:信头:指发信人的地址和日期。写在信纸的右上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起。信头上面要留...
小学生写信的格式亲爱的朋友: 您好! 我们虽然没有见过面,但我愿意将一颗真诚的、渴望友情的心献给你——远方的朋友。我名叫龚明洁,今天满11岁了,是个开朗、活泼、快乐的一个小男孩,我嘛,黑黑的头发...
英语作文以一个学生身份写信给一个编辑Dear editor: In order to prevent further air pollution, planting more trees is very necessary. The photosynthesis process of trees will absorb a lot carbon diox...
写信格式 ?图片书写格式 ①称呼:顶格,有的还可以加上一定的限定、修饰词。②问候语:如写“你好”、“近来身体是否安康”等,可以接正文。③正文:这是信的主体,可以分为若干段来书写。称呼和祝颂...
给希望小学的学生写信格式?例文亲爱的xx: 你好!......(此处写问候语) ..................................................................................................................................
怎样写信啊!希望附带图片信件,可以沟通不见面的亲友间的情况,达到彼此交流思想,互通消息的目的。因此,学会写信是十分重要的。 要求有二:一是格式正确:二是内容清楚。格式正确包括称呼、正文、结尾、署名...
写信的格式!急急急写信的格式!急急急,写信的格式要例文:Dear Ken, How are you ?I heard that you usually play computer games very late at night.I think it's bad for your health.You are...