[如何做好询问及制作询问笔录](一)询问的概念 询问——指工商行政管理机关的执法人员,就与案件有关的问题,依法直接对当事人、证人、受侵害人所作的提问式调查。是工商行政管理机关在查处违法案件时,依法收集...+阅读
如果是一般的商业或询问信, 以下有个比较简略的范例:
January 7, 2011
Attn: Mr. Stan Harrison
Manager of Sales and Marketing
ICAP International Inc.
TEL: 1-745-556-2845
Dear Stan,
As a follow-up to my March 11 email (below) inquiring about 2011 Europe Brochure pricing, I would like to know what is the status of the prices and when should we expect to receive them?
I understand that there are a lot more itineraries and now as we are including Russia back to 2011 Europe Brochure it requires more time in putting all the prices together; nevertheless, if you could please give me the heads up and let me know when we should expect anything in regards to the prices. I would appreciate any help I could get.
Sincerely yours,
John Smith
Director of Market Planning
Central Services Corp.
TEL: 1-339-211-3452
To XX Travel Agency
We are going to arrange a tour to XX for 25 members of a group travelling together for 5 days during the vacation. We would like to be told about the price, diccount, itinerary and routing. Would you be so kind to send us a quotations table and supply us with some imformations on the above details.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
Highest regard!
XX Company
Promise is very important, I hate people who break their promise, the one who can't keep his promise is not reliable. Once, my friend asked me to his company him, because he was alone at home, his parents were busy with their work. At first, I said yes to him, but at that day, I had a lot of things to do, when I finished all the things, I found it was dark. I started to hesitated, I wanted to give up to company my friend, thinking about his disappointed face, finally, I decided to keep my words. When my friend saw me, he was very happy. He said she believed me would come, I never let him down....
求一封写给老师的英语信Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings! This is **, at the moment that we are going to end the study of 6 years, first I want to thank you for your self-giving dedication to...
写给英语老师的一封英文信12 february 2 dear ms/mr tang I am 名字.I am so happy you can teach me english. i think it was very important to learn English well. So I think I can learn it w...
以去商店询问物品价格为主的8人英语对话Anna:Hey,guys,your attention!The day after we will have a Christmas party in our class,so we have to buy some things in this shop.OK,Tina,Jerry,Lina,Cindy,Jina,...
直接写作方法写一封询问信直接写作方法写一封询问信,请问函怎么写?(一)写作概述 向有关部门、单位或个人询问、打听某件事或某方面情况的书信称作咨询信。 咨询信又叫问事信。这类书信很常见,内容单一,询问...
向各位英语老师询问几个问题:向各位英语老师询问几个问题:,我该如何回答英语老师的问题:1.你需要记住,“the number of”强调的是“number”也就是说强调的是数目(数字),所以用“is” 而“a number of”意思是...
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