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亲爱的Dear golf and mike: 你好,我是你hong kong fans,我的名字叫na na shang ,今年19岁,现在是个学生,^-^Hi, This is your HK fans named Na Na Shang. I am 19ys old and a student also. 这是我第一次写信给你们,希望你收到. This is my first time to write to you guys. I hope you can recieve it. 我有很多心里的说话想同你们讲,在第一次认识你们时,golf和mike的笑容,一举一动,都早已深深印在我的脑海里。
我会珍惜现在的每一刻,守护golf和mike过去的点点滴滴. It is a long story. your smiles and movements gave me deeply impression when I first saw you. I will cherish everything now to protect you guys. golf是一个好温柔的大哥哥,,我都想有一个像golf你的哥哥,因为我在一次在上网看到你同mike的访问,内容是说到mike说自己已经尽了最大的力量,但就是不知道为什麽比不上GOLF,这时候的MIKE开始想放弃,GOLF你经常对MIKE说「你不要看轻自己,这个世界上还有很多人想要变的跟你一样呢!」直到认同了你的想法为止.由此可见golf你对mike非常好,Golf is a kind brother that I want to have so much. because I had seen something from the internet about you received the visiting. regarding the content was Mike had done what he could do , but why he always could catch Golf. at that time Mike wanted to give up . then Golf often told Mike:don't look yourself down. there are so many people in this world want to become someone like you. till now, you are mike's best friend. 令我感动到落泪,mike MIKE 就算多麽不开心也好,都不要放弃,我和fans们都会默默你们,不需自卑,在我心目的gm永远是最好的. I couldn't help crying. whatever, don't give up ,mike. all of your fans and Me always bless you forever. don't look yourself down, you are the best one in my heart.golf除了是个好哥哥,将来也会是个入得厨房出得厅堂的好丈夫,在你的访问里,也见过你煮东西可爱的样子,有机会的可以煮给我吃吗?一起交流,煮食物的心德^_^Golf will be a good husband and brother.in your visit dialogue, I had seen your cute behaviors of cooking something. could you cook for me if it is possible. we can talk about the cooking skills each other. mike在我心目中是一个对陌生人比较cool,但对熟人是个一点也不cool,很开朗的好可爱小孩..haha,我的性格也是差不多,我想我们可以成为好朋友吧^-^ 在我心目中golf和mike也是好歌手,很努力,经常要做好难度的动作,搞到身上全都是伤痕,请golf 和mike好好保护自已,小心身体 Mike is a person who is cool to others, but kind to acquaintance. you are a lovely boy sometimes. aha. just like me. we have something in common, so I believe we can be better friend. you are also good singer, working hard, often do some difficult actives. so you are often injuried . please take care yourselves.有机会再来香港,我会招呼你们 next time I come to HK, I will call you guys. 等待golf 和mike的唱片快点出 Look forward to Golf and Mike's album 继续努力Keep working
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