

12月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[餐桌的礼仪有哪些]用餐俗例 在饭食方式方面,中国人与西方人有点不同,西方人喜欢各自品尝放在自己面前的食物,中国人则有一定的用饭规例,他们喜欢叫数碟佳肴,放在饭桌的中央位置,各人有一碗饭共同配...+阅读

As soon as you are seated,open your napkin and place it on your lap.the napkin keeps on your lap(except for use) until the end of the meal.If you need to leave the table for a while,you may leave the napkin on your chair.When the meal is finished,palce your napkin neatly at the left of your palte.

Sit up straigh,keep your elbows off the table,and silence your cell phone.

Dishes are passed from left to right

Do try a little of everything on your plate

When a lady arrives or leaves the table,it's polite for all gentleman at the table of to stand up.

Always say"Please"and "Thankyou".Thank the host and hotess before leaving.


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