

12月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1.西餐点菜及上菜顺序 西餐菜单上有四或五大分类,其分别是开胃菜、汤、沙拉、海鲜、肉类、点心等。 应先决定主菜。主菜如果是鱼,开胃菜就选择肉类,在口味上就比较富有变化。除了食量特别大的外,其实不必从菜单上的单品菜内配出全餐,只要开胃菜和主菜各一道,再加一份甜点就够了。可以不要汤,或者省去开胃菜,这也是很理想的组合(但在意大利菜中,意大利面被看成是汤,所以原则上这两道菜不一起点)。

1 food order and progression Western menu has four or five classification, it is an appetizer, soup, salad, seafood, meat, snacks, etc. Should decide entree. If the fish are main appetizer, choice of meat in the taste is full of change. Besides food particularly large, actually not from the menu items within the whole meal with food, as long as appetizer, main course and each one will add a dessert is enough. Can not save appetizer, soup or, this also is very ideal combination (but in Italian, pasta is viewed as soup, so the two courses in different starting point ⒉ 有的主人会在进餐前感恩祷告,或坐或立,来宾都应和主人一样。

感恩祷告前,不要吃喝任何东西,安静地低着头。直到祷告结束,再把餐巾放在膝上,开始用餐。 The host will have at dining before Thanksgiving, or sit or stand praying, the guests all should master. Blessings, don't eat or drink any thing, quiet low head. Until the end, then put napkin prayer lap, began to eat. 2.塞牙或异物入口时 如果你的牙缝里塞了蔬菜叶子或沙粒式的东西,不要在餐桌上用牙签剔,可以喝口水试试看;如果不行,就去洗手间,这样你就可以用力地漱口,也可以用牙签。

如果遇到不好吃的食物或异物入口时,必须注意不要引起一起吃饭的人的不快,但也不必勉强把不好的东西吃下去。可以用餐巾盖住嘴,赶紧吐到餐巾上,让服务员换块新的餐巾。如果食物中有石子等异物时,可用拇指和食指取出来,放在盘子的一旁。 即使有只虫子从你的沙拉里神气活现地爬出来(这是锻炼你的勇气和风度的最佳时刻),也要心平气和地要求换掉,只要和主人或服务员使个眼色就行,不要大吵大闹、鬼哭神嚎,让所有人都知道以至于都不敢吃了。

2. Plug a tooth or foreign entrance If your teeth stopped vegetables leaf or sand, don't of in the table with a toothpick, can drink saliva try it. If not, they go to the bathroom, so you can force to gargle, also can use toothpicks. If you don't delicious food or foreign entrance, must be careful not to cause the people eat together, but also don't have to eat something bad. Can use the napkin, hurriedly to cover a napkin, ask the waiter block new napkin. If food is available, the foreign thumb and forefinger, and put out the plate. If there is a worm in your salad jauntier climbed out (this is to exercise your courage and the best moment), also want to replace calmly requirements, and master or a waiter glances, don't cry, ghost yell bloody murder to god, let everyone know that all dare not eat.




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