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[公司公文管理办法]公司公文管理办法,你知道这些办法吗,下面带来公司公文管理办法关文章,欢迎阅读。 公司公文管理办法【1】 第1条 为加强对本公司的公文管理,做到规范、准确、及时、安全使用文书,...+阅读


Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing pany

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为适应汽车金融服务业发展的需要,规范经营汽车金融业务的非银行金融机构的行为,依据有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。

Article 1 The Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing pany (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) is stipulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to serve the need of developing auto financing business and regulating the business activities of the non-bank financial institutions engaging in auto financing business.

第二条 本办法所称汽车金融公司,是指经中国银行业监督管理委员会依据有关法律、行政法规和本办法规定批准设立的,为中国境内的汽车购买者及销售者提供贷款的非银行金融企业法人。

Article2 Auto financing panies referred to in the Rules are defined as non-bank financial legal entities charted by the China Banking Regulatory mission in pliance with relevant laws, regulations and the Rules to provide loans for auto buyers and dealers in the mainland of China.

第三条 中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对汽车金融公司的监督管理。

Article3 Auto financing panies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory mission.

第二章 机构的设立、变更与终止

Chapter II Incorporation, Change and Termination

第四条 设立汽车金融公司应当经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准。 未经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,任何单位和个人不得擅自设立汽车金融公司或者变相从事汽车金融业务,不得在机构名称中擅自使用\汽车金融\、\汽车信贷\等表明从事汽车金融业务的字样。

Article 4 The establishment of an auto financing pany shall be subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory mission. Without the approval of the China Banking Regulatory mission, no individual or entity shall be allowed to establish an auto financing pany, or engage in auto financing business, or include in the name of a pany such names as auto financing or auto loan that indicate the panys engagement in auto financing business

第五条 出资设立汽车金融公司,出资人应具备下列条件:

Article 5 An investor of an auto financing pany shall satisfy following requirements:

(一) 中国境内外依法设立的企业法人。

(a) It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China.


If the investor is a non-financial entity, its total assets of the previous year shall be no less than RMB4 billion yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies; its annual business revenue of the previous year shall be no less than RMB2 billion yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies.


If the investor is a non-bank financial institution, its registered capital shall be no less than RMB300 million yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies;


(b) It shall he sound business performance and remain profitable for the last three consecutive years;


(c) It shall ply with the laws of the countries where it is incorporated and shall he a clean record;


(d) In case of the largest investor, it shall be an auto enterprise or a non-bank financial institution.


The auto enterprise refers to an enterprise that manufactures and sells the whole unit of an automobile.


The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the total equity of the auto financing pany;


(e) It shall not invest in more than one auto financing pany;


and (f) It shall satisfy other prudential supervisory requirements set forth by the China Banking Regulatory mission.

第六条 设立的汽车金融公司,应当具备下列条件:

Article6 An auto financing pany shall satisfy the following conditions in order to be incorporated:


a) the minimum amount of registered capital required by the Rules;


b) Articles of Association that plies with relevant laws including the pany Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Rules;


c) senior management familiar with auto financing and other related business;


d) a sound anizational structure, management and risk control systems;


e) proper business premises, safety measures and other facilities for business operations;


and f) other conditions set out by the China Banking Regulatory mission.

第七条 汽车金融公司注册资本的最低限额为 5亿元人民币或等值的自由兑换货币。注册资本为实缴货币资本。

Article7 The minimum registered capital of an auto financing pany shall be no less than RMB500 million yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies. Registered capital shall be paid-in capital.


The China Banking Regulatory mission shall he the power to adjust the minimum registered capital of an auto financing pany in line with the developments of auto financing business and the prudential requirements, but the adjusted floor shall not be lower than the amount provided in this Article.

第八条 汽车金融公司的设立须经过筹建和开业两个阶段。 申请人提交的申请筹建、申请开业的资料,应以中文书写为准。

Article8 The establishment of an auto financing pany shall cover two stages, i.e. the preparation stage and the business mencement stage. The Chinese text of all application documents for the preparation and the business mencement stages shall prevail.

第九条 申请筹建汽车金融公司,应由主要出资人作为申请人向中国银行业监督管理委员会提交下列资料:

Article9 To apply for the preparation of a prospective auto financing pany, the largest investor of the pany shall act as the applicant and submit the following documents to the China Banking Regulatory mission:

(一) 筹建申请书。其内容应包括拟设汽车金融公司名称、公司注册所在地、注册资本金,出资人及各自的出资额、业务范围等。

(a) an application letter, including the auto financing panys name, location of incorporation, registered capital, business scope and investors names and amounts of investment, etc.;

(二) 设立汽车金融公司的可行性研究报告。其内容包括对拟设公司的市场前景分析、未来业务发展规划、组织管理架构和风险控制能力分析、公司开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈利预测等内容。

(b) a feasibility study on establishing the auto financing pany, including a market analysis, a business plan, the anizational structure, an assessment of the panys risk control capability, the proforma balance sheet and profits in the following three years after the business mencement;

(三) 拟设立汽车金融公司的章程(草案)。

(c) an Articles of Association of the auto financing pany (a draft note);

(四) 出资人基本情况,包括出资人名称、法定代表人、注册地址、营业执照复印件、经营情况等。

(d) basic information of each investor of the auto financing pany, including name, legal representative, location of incorporation, a photocopy of the business license and a summary of business performance, etc.;


(e) the investors balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement for the latest three years audited by qualified auditing firms;

(六) 筹建负责人名单及简历。

(f) name and resume of the person in charge of the preparation;

(七) 中国银行业监督管理委员会要求提交的其他文件。

and (g) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory mission.


If the applicant is a foreign non-bank financial institution, it shall submit the consent of its home country supervisory authority in writing. If the applicant is a non-financial entity, it shall submit the credit rating report of the previous year by a rating agency.

第十条 中国银行业监督管理委员会自收到完整的筹建申请资料之日起6个月内作出是否批准筹建的书面答复。

Article10 The China Banking Regulatory mission, upon receiving a plete set of application documents for the preparation of an auto financing pany, shall provide its decision of approval or denial in writing within six months.

第十一条 申请人应当自接到中国银行业监督管理委员会批准筹建文件之日起6个月内完成筹建工作。

Article11 The applicant shall, upon receiving the approval letter from the China Banking Regulatory mission, plete the preparation within six months.


If the applicant has justification for prolonging the preparation stage beyond the prescribed period, it shall submit a written application to the China Banking Regulatory mission before the original deadline falls due, and may extend the preparation stage for up to three months subject to the approval.


If the applicant fails to apply for business mencement upon the pletion of the preparation stage or the extended preparation stage, the original approval document for the preparation shall bee void automatically.


During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business.

第十二条 申请人应当在筹建期限届满前或延长期限届满前,向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出开业申请,并提交下列文件、资料:

Article12 The applicant shall, before the deadline of the preparation stage or the extended preparation stage, apply for business mencement to the China Banking Regulatory mission with the following attachments:

(一) 筹建工作完成情况报告和申请开业报告。

(a) a report on pletion of the preparation and an application letter for business mencement;

(二) 中国法定验资机构出具的验资证明、工商行政管理机关出具的对拟设机构名称的预核准登记书。

(b) a certification of paid-in capital issued by a qualified Chinese certifying agency, and a registration certificate issued by the State Administration of Industry and merce;

(三) 汽车金融公司章程。

(c) articles of Association of the auto financing pany;

(四) 拟任高级管理人员的名单、详细履历。

(d) names and detailed resumes of proposed senior managerial personnel;

(五) 股东名称及其出资额。

(e) name and capital contribution of each shareholder;

(六) 拟办业务的规章制度及内部风险控制制度。

(f) proposed business rules and procedures and internal controls;

(七) 有权部门出具的营业场所及其他与业务有关设施安全验收合格文件。

(g) verification documents on business premises and other business-related facilities issued by relevant authorities;

(八) 中国银行业监督管理委员会要求的其他文件。

and (h) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory mission.

第十三条 中国银行业监督管理委员会自收到完整的开业申请文件、资料之日起3个月内作出核准开业或不核准开业的决定。决定核准开业的,书面通知申请人,颁发经营金融业务许可证,核准其业务范围。不予核准开业的,应书面通知申请人并说明理由。

Article13 The China Banking Regulatory mission, upon receiving a plete set of business mencement application documents, shall provide its decision of approval or denial of the application within three months.

If the application is approved, the applicant shall receive a written approval letter attached with a license to conduct financial business with the prescribed business scope. If the application is denied, the applicant shall receive a written notice in which reasons for denial are provided.


The applicant shall, before mencing operations, register with the State Administration of Industry and merce with the presentation of the license to conduct financial business, and receive a corporate legal entity business License.


The China Banking Regulatory mission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation if the auto financing pany, after receiving the business license, fails without justification to open business within three months, or, without approval, stops operation for six consecutive months after business mencement.

第十四条 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构。

Article14 An auto financing pany shall not set up any branch or subsidiary.

第十五条 中国银行业监督管理委员会对汽车金融公司高级管理人员实行任职资格核准或备案制度。

Article15 The appointment of the senior managerial personnel of an auto financing pany shall be either subject to the qualification review by the China Banking Regulatory mission or filed with the China Banking Regulatory mission for record.


The chairman of the board of directors, general manager and deputy general manager, executive directors, and chief financial officer of an auto financing pany are subject to the qualification view by the China Banking Regulatory mission. The qualifications of these senior managerial personnel and procedures relating to qualification review and filing for record shall be issued separately.

第十六条 汽车金融公司有下列变更事项之一的,应报经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准:

Article16 An auto financing pany, in case of any of the following changes, shall seek the approval of the China Banking Regulatory mission:

(一) 变更公司名称。

(a) change of pany name;

(二) 变更注册资本。

(b) change of registered capital;

(三) 变更营业场所。

(c) change of business premises;

(四) 调整业务范围。

(d) change of business scope;

(五) 改变组织形式。

(e) change of anizational structure;

(六) 调整股权结构。

(f) change of equity structure;

(七) 修改章程。

(g) revision of Articles of Association;

(八) 更换高级管理人员。

(h) change of senior managerial personnel;

(九) 合并或分立。

(i) merger or split;

(十) 中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的其他变更事项。

and (j) other changes that require the approval of the China Banking Regulatory mission.

第十七条 汽车金融公司因解散、依法被撤销或被宣告破产而终止的,其清算事宜,按照有关法律法规的规定办理。

Article17 The liquidation of an auto financing pany whose operation is terminated because of dissolution, closure or bankruptcy, shall be carried out in pliance with relevant laws and regulations.



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