

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com




CP: So how he you broken the information down?

PM: Each individual product is listed twice-once in its product category and once alphabetically.

CP: I see. And how does the colour coding work?

PM: Red means that we he a stock overhang for that product.

CP: And blue presumably means that that product has sold well.

PM: Actually, blue means that we sold out of it at some profit.

CP: Right. And if its just in black?

PM: So how many product lines he suffered fro an overhang?

PM:94, which makes up about 8% of our product range.

CP: thats clearly too high; really we should be looking to he that figure.

PM: The question is whether we discontinue all of the poor seller or just try to remarket them.

CP: Well since we still he a lot of stock sitting in the warehouse we should try to remarketing them really.

PM: At the other end of the scale, we sold out of 114 product lines.

CP: Then we need to look at how quickly each one of those products sold out and up our repeat orders for them.

PM: OK. Theres also a section at the end of the report about how our promotional offers went.

CP: Yes, how did they go?

PM: Well of the five major promotions weve done so far, four went really well according to the sales figures.

CP: But the fifth one didnt sell even with the promotional offer?

PM: No, I think wed better cut our losses with that one and discontinue it.


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