[如何克服面试的恐惧]如何克服害怕面试的心理呢?面对面试你是否心惊胆战呢?过来人总结一些经验供分享。 面试恐惧症的原因分析 面试恐惧症是恐怖症的一种。面试恐惧症即对面试这一特定事件的一种无...+阅读
how to beat the export slump 近年来,中国出口厂商受到了亚洲金融危机的冲击。该地区许多国家的经济不景气引起消费市场萎缩,货币疲软使购买力下降。有的国家政局不定、经济不稳,贸易保护主义升级,外交磨擦抬头。这些使得对该地区的出口十分困难。我们必须采取有效措施来对付这种局面。 in recent years, chinese exporters he seen their efforts increasingly undercut by the impact of the spreading financial crisis in asia. the lifeless economies of many countries in the region he caused their consumer markets to shrink. their teetering currency rates he caused their purchasing power to be weakened. in some cases political instability, changing economic circumstances, mounting projectionist barriers or diplomatic rows he make it difficult for us to export to those countries. we must find ways to beat the export slump.
我们要大力推进外贸体制改革,走集团化的道路,组建以外贸为龙头的工贸、农贸、技贸相结合的企业集团,以增强企业的竞争力。老的大中型国有企业必须进行技术改造以增强活力,对有条件的大中型企业应授予其进出口经营权。工业企业自营出口这是我国外贸体制改革的一个重大步骤。 we must press forward with the reform in the management system of foreign trade. conglomeration-forming allies with farming, manufacturing, or scientific research with foreign trade as the lootive-points the way ahead to strengthened petitiveness. outmoded state enterprises, large and medium-sized, should be revamped to bee more viable. those enterprises better positioned should be granted the license to move into exporting field. the orientation of industry towards the export market is a major step in the reform of chinas foreign trade regime. 必须优化传统的出口商品结构,靠价格和数量竞争的时代已一去不复返了。在当今激烈竞争的世界上,只有以质取胜和改善售前售后服务才能行得通。要通过精加工和深加工提高出口商品的附加值;要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和拳头产品打入国际市场。由于市场形势千变万化,出口产品必须不断地更新换代,做到你无我有,你有我优,胜人一筹。 the traditional pattern of export products needs to be optimized. gone are the days when merchandise geared to price petition on mass market had its way. now, in the highly petitive world the concepts of fine quality or else no export and good service before and after sales should be the order of the day. methods of fine or intricate processing should be used to increase the added value on export modities. and efforts must be made to turn out premium and novel products or the so-called hard-punch items that can edge into foreign markets. with the market changing so quickly, export panies should keep moving up-market--go where others cannot go or do whatever they he a petitive edge over their rivals.
面试怎样克服紧张焦虑1、什么是紧张、焦虑 焦虑人人都会有,用心理学的语言来说,它是人面对环境刺激产生的一种应激状态,这时身体会动员大部分能量以应付紧急状况,各个脏器也在紧张工作。所以面临考试...
怎么克服面试中的紧张焦虑如何克服面试中的紧张焦虑 第一,心态平衡法。公务员考试竟争十分激烈,不仅是知识的比拼,也是心理的较量,更是意志力的磨练。面试时的心态特别重要,参加面试前考生会到听许多这样...
怎样克服面试中的紧张焦虑克服面试中的紧张焦虑 第一,心态平衡法。公务员考试竟争十分激烈,不仅是知识的比拼,也是心理的较量,更是意志力的磨练。面试时的心态特别重要,参加面试前考生会到听许多这样的话:...
职场人如何克服面试怯场克服面试怯场 1. 要以一颗平常心正确对待面试,要做好承受挫折的心理准备。即使面试一时失利,也不要以一次失败论英雄。 2. 对 招聘 单位和自己要有一个正确的评价,相信自己完全...
面试如何克服精神紧张精神紧张及克服的办法 几乎95%以上的毕业生在接受调查时都承认自己在面试时精神紧张,它是毕业生面试时需要战胜的最大的敌人。陌生的环境,被陌生的人提问,事关自己今后一段时间...
克服面试怯场10妙招面试时候难免会有怯场现象,如何克服面试怯场呢?下面资深编辑教你十个小招数,让你克服面试怯场状况。 第一条:要以一颗平常心正确对待面试,要做好承受挫折的心理准备。 第二条:当出...
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如何克服职场性格缺陷如何克服职场性格缺陷? 1、缺陷类型:紧张 此类人一遇重要场合或考试就惊慌失措,严重时大脑一片空白,从而导致正常水平无法发挥。 运动处方:这些人要克服性格缺陷,应多参加竞争激烈...