

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于寒假旅游计划]【仅供参考】 My Vacation Plan 范文一: I'm taking a long vacation this winter. I thought about going to Hunan or Shenzhen, but decided on Sanya. Because I heard t...+阅读

写的会不好,我英语不太好。:)望笑纳 I want to go to Beijing this winter vacation,so i made a plan. i will gothere for three days. For the first day:First,i will go there by train.After getting off the train, i will go the hotel which i've booked before. then i'll go to the Forbidden City.after that i'll back tomy hotel and haverest. For the second day:today i'll go to only one place,the great wall.i'll take photos and enjoy the view there. For the last day:at the very beginning, i'll visit the summer palace. then i'll visit The Temple of Heaven(天坛). finally,i'll back home. that's winter traveling plan.


你能写一份寒假旅游计划并向家人介绍一下吗on development of tourism with the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. tour...


写一份6年级寒假计划首先,为了不使我的视力下降,所以我为我自己制定了三条规定。 1、尽量少看电视。 2、每天坚持做眼保健操。 3、合理使用电脑。虽然电脑也容易损坏眼睛,但是电脑已成为我学习和生...

跪求一份寒假生活计划早上6点-8点:一日之计在于晨,对一般人来说,疲劳已消除,头脑最清醒,体力亦充沛,是学习的黄金时段。可安排对功课的全面复习。 早上8点-9点:据试验结果显示,此时人的耐力处于最佳状态,...

紧急求一份旅游计划来江西吧。江西井冈山不错, 井冈山,是一块红色的土地;是一个绿色的宝库。井冈山——革命山——旅游山——文化山,“物华天宝钟灵毓秀,绿色明珠流光溢彩”。从红色中走来,向绿色中...


跪求一份寒假生活计划早上6点-8点:一日之计在于晨,对一般人来说,疲劳已消除,头脑最清醒,体力亦充沛,是学习的黄金时段。可安排对功课的全面复习。 早上8点-9点:据试验结果显示,此时人的耐力处于最佳状态,...

求一篇英文作文我的寒假计划 60字左右Winter holiday is coming. I will do many things during the holiday. Here is my plan. First ,I'll finish my homework . Then, I'll do some reading. I like reading...

求一份寒假计划上6点-8点:一日之计在于晨,对一般人来说,疲劳已消除,头脑最清醒,体力亦充沛,是学习的黄金时段。可安排对功课的全面复习。 早上8点-9点:据试验结果显示,此时人的耐力处于最佳状态,正...
